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168 – Laminate Flooring from KRONOTEX – Made in Germany | KRONOTEX - SWISS KRONO ... Laminate Flooring from KRONOTEXMade in ... A floor is the starting point for every project ... create a personalised interior ambience. And ... laminate floors offer you enormous latitude. ... These laminate floors are characterised by ... unique aesthetics and second-to-none quality. The ... ranging decors include something for every taste. Whether ... perfectly emulated wood grain or stone structures with an authentic look ... feel, KRONOTEX has the best conceivable laminate floor for ... acquaint you with our eleven laminate collections comprising more than 200 ... Strong laminate flooring with even more oak ... These new, extra-wide planks supplement the ... extra-long and extra-sturdy panels of the MAMMUT line. ... AC 5 | 10 mm ... Strong laminate flooring that meets all expectations. ... The extra-long planks will fascinate you ... authentic natural-wood look and country estate personality. ... AC 5 | 12 mm ... Extremely water-repellent laminate flooring with highly swell-reduced carrier ... AC 5 / 12 mm ... Extremely robust laminate flooring that’s also suitable for ... applications. The proprietary CLIC tongue-and-groove system facilitates ... AC 5 | 12 mm ... KRONOTEX AMAZONE Characterised by long, narrow planks ... evoke an especially elegant look with ... AC 5 | 10 mm ... KRONOTEX HERRINGBONE An attractive laminate floor with ... fishbone look, a new installation method ... built-in moisture protection. ... Exceedingly large in format, amazingly multifaceted and ... to install: that’s Mega PLUS. These XXL versions are available with ... lively wood decors and timeless stone decors in a tile look. ... KRONOTEX EXQUISIT PLUS Sublime, carefully selected laminate floors with ... natural wood look. The extra-wide planks make it easy ... inject elegance into large rooms. ... KRONOTEX EXQUISIT Laminate floors that are comfortable to ... on – they feel just like natural solid wood. The milled ... contribute to creating a typical, attractive ... KRONOTEX DYNAMIC PLUS These laminate floors are an excellent ... choice anywhere that there’s heavy footfall ... high level of walking comfort. The many fresh-looking, versatile decors are ... and inspiring at the same time. ... Premium high-gloss decors that look like a million. These laminate floors ... are hardened with an electron beam ... of varnish, making them extremely versatile. AC 4 | 8 mm ... SWISS KRONO Insulating Underlays for Laminate Flooring ... insulation for quick laying on large surfaces. This foam-based insulating underlay ... A useful enhanced version of the SWISS KRONO Basic insulating underlay. ... is laminated with PE foil, thus eliminating the need ... additionally lay a damp-proof membrane. PREMIUM SOUND ... The state of the art: a ... developed for floating installation beneath laminate and parquet flooring. It is ... to lay an additional damp-proof membrane. SUPERIOR SOUND ... SWISS KRONO Premium Sound with the same innovative properties. It is ... effective for attenuating transmitted impact and ... walking sound. Like SWISS KRONO Premium Sound, it ... available in

169 – Conditions of Purchase - SWISS KRONO ... of Purchase 1. Scope of application ... 1.1 The General Terms and ... of Purchase apply to all purchasing transactions ... KG (hereinafter referred to as the 'Buyer"). ... 1.2 These General Terms and ... of Purchase shall apply exclusively. Terms and ... of Business of the Seller shall not become a ... of the Agreement, even if the Buyer ... to object to them. 1.3 The provisions set out ... the regulations governing the award of ... services (VOL) and in the regulations governing the award of ... contracts (VOB) shall not apply. 1.4 These General Terms and ... of Purchase shall also apply to all ... future purchasing transactions between the Parties. ... 2. Conclusion of the Agreement ... 2.1 Agreements between the Buyer and ... the Seller shall only be effective ... they are made in writing. ... 2.2 Any correspondence relating to the Agreement must ... be conducted exclusively with the Buyer's ... department, quoting the order number. The language of ... the Agreement shall be German. ... 2.3 The Buyer is bound by its ... a period of ten days. The acceptance of an offer is ... be declared by returning the duplicate, ... by the Seller. ... 2.4 The establishment of an Agreement shall ... require a consensus to be reached ... the purchase price. ... 2.5 The Buyer is entitled to demand ... alterations be made to the delivery item ... after the Agreement has been concluded, provided ... the Seller can be reasonably expected ... make them. In respect of the ... or reduced costs and the delivery deadlines, the Agreement is ... be adjusted in a manner that ... appropriate consideration to the interests of ... 3.1 The prices quoted in the ... purchase order are fixed prices. ... 3.2 In the absence of any written agreements ... the contrary, the purchase price shall ... include delivery on a "freight prepaid" ... including packaging and the assumption of transport insurance and ... 3.3 No remuneration shall be provided for demonstrations, presentations, negotiations ... developing offers and projects in the absence of any written agreements ... the contrary. ... 3.4 The Buyer can only process invoices ... quote the order number stated in ... the Buyer's offer. The Seller is ... responsible for the consequences of any ... failure to meet these obligations. ... by post or EDI can be processed by the Buyer. The ... is responsible for all the consequences that ... arise because these obligations have not ... 3.6 In the absence of any written agreements ... the contrary, the purchase price shall ... due for payment within 30 days ... the handover of the goods delivery ... receipt of a verifiable invoice. If the Buyer pays ... 14 days of receiving the verifiable ... invoice and the goods, the Seller ... discount of 3%; for payment made within 21 days, a discount ... 2% shall be granted. ... 3.7 In the event of partial deliveries, payment ... not fall due until the final delivery has ... made. This shall not apply to ... successive delivery agreements. ... 3.8 Insofar as the Seller has to make material ... or other contractually agreed documents available, the delivery or performance shall ... be deemed to be complete if ... the Buyer has also received these ... 3.9 Payment shall be made by way of bank ... The Seller shall specify corresponding bank ... details for this purpose. 3.10 Payment shall be made ... specified payment runs twice every week on Tuesdays and ... 3.11 The Buyer shall have rights ... offset and retention to the extent that is permitted by ... 3.12 The Seller is not entitled ... assign its claims vis-à-vis the Buyer to a third party. ... 4.1 The delivery period stated in ... the purchase order is binding. ... 4.2 If delivery is made before the agreed date of ... the Buyer reserves the right to ... the goods at the expense and ... of the supplier. If the delivery is ... it was received prior to schedule, the goods shall be stored ... the Buyer at the expense and ... of the Seller. ... 4.3 The Seller shall be obliged to ... the Buyer immediately in writing if ... arise or become known to it ... will result in non-compliance with the agreed delivery date. ... 4.4 In the event of delayed delivery, the ... demand liquidated damages corresponding to 1% of the delivery value per ... week, but no more than 10% of the delivery ... value in total, unless the Seller ... prove that no damage, or much ... damage, was incurred as a result ... the delay. ... 4.5 The Buyer's right to further-reaching claims, ... particular in connection with damage incurred by the Buyer due ... a loss of production due to goods not being delivered ... time or in a due and ... manner, is reserved. Furthermore, the Buyer is under no ... to reserve the right to assert a ... penalty if a late delivery is accepted. The same ... apply to the acceptance of goods that are ... delivered in a due and proper fashion. ... 4.6 The goods are to be packaged ... a manner that prevents transportation damage. Packaging material is only to ... be used to the extent that ... necessary to achieve the purpose. Only environmentally friendly ... may be used. The Seller's obligation to ... returned goods due to the packaging shall be ... on the statutory provisions. ... 4.7 The Seller shall use selected specialist ... to perform the activities relating to the services ... be performed by it. The use ... a sub-supplier or sub-contractor shall require the prior written approval of ... the Buyer. In the event that ... the use of a sub-supplier/sub-contractor is ... the Seller must subject the sub-supplier/sub-contractor, ... respect of the duties assumed by it, to ... of the obligations that the Seller has ... vis-à-vis the Buyer and ensure that these ... are met. ... 4.8 The Seller shall make its deliveries/perform ... services in line with state of the art ... standards. It must comply with the laws, ordinances and official requirements ... apply in the Federal Republic of Germany, adhere ... judicial decisions and take the technical rules, norms and ... that apply at the time the Agreement is concluded ... a basis. In particular, the Seller must adhere to the ... and regulations as stipulated by the competent trade associations, as well ... to the generally accepted occupational health and ... Machinery and technical resources must be delivered together with operating instructions ... EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the Regulation of the ... Safety Act (Machinery Regulation). Wherever possible, work resources bearing a CE ... are to be used. If no ... of conformity has been issued, evidence that the above-mentioned provisions have ... adhered to must be furnished at the request of ... the Buyer. ... 4.9 The Seller shall make its deliveries/perform ... services in line with any other delivery provisions ... the Buyer that apply at the ... point in time. 4.10 As a general rule, ... the Seller is only entitled to ... make partial deliveries/perform partial services with ... the written consent of the Buyer. ... 4.11 The Seller is obliged to ... quote the Buyer's order number on ... dispatch documents and delivery notes. The Buyer shall have no liability ... 5.1 In the absence of any ... to the contrary between the Parties, the ... "delivery duty paid" clause shall apply (Incoterms 2000). ... 5.2 In the event of purchase agreements, the ... shall be transferred when the delivery is ... by the BUYER; in the event of ... contracts for work and services, the risk shall be transferred at ... the time of formal acceptance based ... an acceptance record to be signed by ... 6.1 The Buyer is entitled to ... lodge complaints pursuant to section 377 ... the German Commercial Code (HGB) within ... twelve working days. In the case ... this period shall begin at the time the delivery is accepted. ... cases involving hidden defects, the period shall begin when the ... 6.2 In a warranty event, the Buyer shall be entitled to ... either the rectification of the defect or ... replacement delivery from the Seller, as it chooses. In ... cases, the Seller is obliged to bear ... of the expenses associated with the rectification ... the defect or replacement delivery. ... 6.3 In addition, the Buyer shall be entitled to ... All replacement deliveries and repairs are also subject to these General ... and Conditions of Purchase. 6.5 The Buyer shall only ... be liable for physical loss or ... damage and purely financial loss in ... the event of wilful intent or ... negligence. Liability is limited to the ... damage that is typical given the ... nature of the Agreement and was ... foreseeable at the time the Agreement ... not apply to injuries to life, limb or health for which ... the Buyer is responsible or to ... cardinal obligations or claims under the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz). ... 6.6 Insofar as the Seller is responsible for product ... damage, it is obliged to indemnify ... the Buyer against third-party claims to ... to the extent that the reason lies ... its organization and sphere of control and as it ... liable itself vis-à-vis third parties. ... 6.7 The Seller is obliged, at the ... of the Buyer, to take out product ... insurance with a limit of indemnity ... to the foreseeable and typical bodily injury ... physical loss or damage. 6.8 The Buyer shall be ... to withdraw from the Agreement if performance is not ... possible due to unforeseeable obstacles to ... performance that cannot be overcome or ... by efforts that one can reasonably expect to be ... made. There shall be no right ... withdrawal if the obstacle to performance is the ... of the Buyer or is merely temporary. ... 6.9 The Buyer is entitled to withdraw ... the Agreement if the Seller applies ... insolvency proceedings to be initiated in respect of its ... if insolvency proceedings relating to the Seller are opened based on ... application made by the Buyer or a ... party or if the opening of insolvency proceedings is ... due to insufficient assets. ... 6.10 Furthermore, the Buyer is entitled ... withdraw from the Agreement if the Seller promises, ... or grants advantages of any nature to an employee or agent ... the Buyer who is entrusted with ... concluding or executing the Agreement or to a third ... in the interests of the latter. ... 6.11 The statutory provisions governing withdrawal ... 6.12 For purchase agreements, the warranty ... shall be three years from the transfer ... contracts for work and services, the period shall be five years. ... the notification of defects is received ... the Seller within the warranty period, ... the warranty claim relating to the ... defect shall become statute-barred no earlier than two ... after the receipt of the notification of ... 7.1 The Seller warrants that it ... of all items that form the object of the purchase agreements ... that there are no other third-party rights ... the contrary. ... 7.2 The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer ... claims insofar as it is responsible for them. ... 7.3 The duty of the Seller to ... all expenses necessarily incurred by the Buyer resulting from or in ... with the assertion of claims by a ... 7.4 All documents, software, papers and information provided to ... the Buyer shall become the property ... the Buyer, for the latter's unrestricted ... use, within the framework of the ... purpose of the Agreement. ... 8.1 The Seller is obliged to ... strictly confidential and only to disclose them to third parties with ... the explicit consent of the Buyer. ... confidentiality obligation shall survive the recession or failure of ... Agreement. The Seller must subject any sub-suppliers ... the same obligations. ... 8.2 The conclusion of the Agreement must ... be treated as confidential. The Seller ... refer to its business with the Buyer in its advertising material ... the latter's written consent. The Parties ... undertake to treat all commercial or ... details of which they become aware in the course of ... business relationship and that are not public knowledge as business ... Sub-suppliers must be subjected to the same obligations. ... 9. Choice of law, place of jurisdiction, ... place of performance, partial nullity and ... 9.1 Decisions regarding all disputes shall ... be made based on German substantive ... The application of the UN Convention ... the International Sale of Goods (CISG) ... 9.2 The courts in 16816 Neuruppin shall ... have exclusive jurisdiction in case of ... disputes relating to the contractual relationship if the Seller ... not have any general place of jurisdiction ... Germany (section 38 (2) of the German Code of Civil Procedure ... or if the Seller is a businessman, a ... public-law fund (section 38 (1) ZPO). The Buyer can also ... to seek recourse to the court that is ... responsible for the place where the ... has its registered office. 9.3 The place of performance ... all obligations relating to the contractual relationship is Heiligengrabe near ... 16909 Wittstock. ... 9.4 If individual provisions of the contractual relationship be or become ... this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. ... The Parties are obliged to agree ... provision that most closely approximates the purpose pursued with the invalid ... 9.5 No verbal collateral agreements have been reached regarding the contractual ... Any amendment shall be given in writing to be ... effective. This shall also apply to ... amendment to the provision governing written form itself. ... Heiligengrabe, May 2019 ... 20190527_Einkaufsbedingungen_SKT_Stand_Mai 2019_EN.pdf

Results 166 - 170 of 362


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