Laminate Flooring Guide Floor Studio Decor Search
D 2304 A7 CMYK.tif

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­ KRONOTEX DYNAMIC PLUS — Laminado Achat Oak D 2304

In the springtime, many people discover a passion for renovating or redesigning their homes, spurred by the wish for a new feeling within their four walls. And in most cases, it can be accomplished without major expenditures or hard work. Healthy living characterised by quality and consistency is celebrating a comeback; these days, people feel the need for cosy comfort and a refined ambience more keenly than ever. A classic example of a stylish laminate floor is provided by the décor D 2304 Achat Oak of the DYNAMIC collection from KRONOTEX. Its panels, with their very traditional three-strip appearance marked by contrasting light and dark patches, evoke a lively, uniquely accentuated atmosphere that’s underscored by the floor’s matt oiled look & feel. Also advantageous is the ease with which this floor can be taken up and reinstalled after moving to a new house or redecorating the current one.

Programa de suministro

Grueso Largo Ancho Paneles / Cartón m² / cartón Cartón / Paleta m² / paleta
8 1380 193 8 2,131 56 119,320

* con embalaje nombre DYNAMIC

  • Beanspruchungsklasse 32
  • AC 4

Estructura de superficie

MO (matt oiled): matt oiled surface appearance

Ilustraciones del estilo decorativo para descargar

Piso instalado
Descargar ilustración (tif, 5,65 MB)
Panel individual
Descargar ilustración (jpg, 6,28 MB)

Now calculate the amount


Your requirements

Length: -- running metres
Package contents: 2.13072 m2 of laminate
Estimated trimming scrap: 10 %
Required quantity: -- boxes

Underlay: -- m2


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